Originally trained by Tony Robbins and with a 30 year background as a spoken word artist, rapper and stage performer...Sean electrifies audiences in his live and virtual events bringing a unique blend of training and edutainment.
Helping icons like Les Brown, JJ Virgin, Lisa Sasevich and more generate millions from their live and virtual events.
Please welcome the CEO of Rock Your Gift and the founder of the Rock Your Gift 3 day live experience Sean Douglas Stewart
Originally trained by Tony Robbins and with a 30 year background as a spoken words artist, rapper and stage performer...Sean electrifies audiences in his live and virtual events bringing a unique blend of training and edutainment.
Sean has helped thousands of clients in his career and he's not only shared stages with many of the biggest leaders in the coaching space... but he's been their go to event sales expert as well
Helping icons like Les Brown, Marisa Murgitroyd Lisa Sasevich and more generate millions from their live and virtual events.
He is the CEO of Rock Your Gift and the founder of the Rock Your Gift 3 day live experience where Sean takes a stand for change agents everywhere to not settle for modeling others, but instead to innovate their unique message and mark on the world.